About John Biglin

I’m a zoologist by education, a parks and countryside manager by profession but a naturalist at heart.

Early years

I’ve had a passion for the natural world since an early age.  It was sparked in my childhood by the animals I found near my home.  This included things which are now considered rare and are specially protected.  A degree in zoology from the University of Leeds followed.  After graduating I spent time living at the Spurn Point National Nature Reserve continuing research and gaining valuable field experience.


I specialise in managing land for wildlife.  However, as a senior local authority officer I was involved in many other work areas, both policy and operational.  I have also worked in the private, charitable, financial services, heritage, health and retail sectors.  Those posts complemented my local authority work and I found myself using many of my transferable skills. As a park and countryside manager I added formal parks and recreation grounds to my portfolio, managing a team responsible for over 2000 acres of open space on the fringe of London. I have managed almost every natural open space habitat within lowland Britain.  I have a thorough working knowledge of our native plants, animals and habitats.  At national policy level I was part of the government’s Urban Green Spaces Taskforce in the early 2000s.

In summary my career has covered being a:

  • Curator in a natural history museum
  • Habitat Surveyor for a wildlife trust
  • Manager of an urban nature conservation project
  • Parks and Countryside Manager for a local authority
  • Environmental Policy Officer for a local authority
  • Recreational Planning Consultant in the private sector
  • Community Development Officer for a charity
  • Wildlife and Educational Ranger for a local authority
  • Plus various other short term roles in many sectors

Hobbies and interests

It is not all work for me.  I am a keen supporter of the arts and a musician.  I have volunteered on things as varied as being a Green Flag Award scheme judge to leading historic tours.