Online Courses

This is a new venture for me. During the covid pandemic face to face teaching effectively stopped. I was asked to do an online course on hoverflies as part of a project on pollinators. It seemed to be very successful and certainly very enjoyable. It felt like doing a radio show where you know the people are there but you cannot interact with or gain the usual feedback you have with an audience.

Any of my classroom based courses can be adpated to be delivered online. The only down side is there is no option to do any practical work. That is not essential but it is something that many students are looking for.

So, the classroom based courses can be offered as an online webinar or training course.

There are links below. Just remove the practical elements from the course and that’s a webinar.

Introduction to grasshoppers and bush crickets

Introduction to hoverflies

I’m sure I will set up and do more of these in time. If there is anything you would like me to offer just message me via my contact page.